Polyester Architectural AE Gloss RAL 2011 DEEP ORANGE

Kód produktu
Lesk / 60°
85 ± 5
Standardní dodací lhůta
The Gloss Range
Gloss Smooth
High performance polyester powder coating combining a wide range of decorative aspects with very good exterior durability
1 ednotka (jednotky) s
Polyester Architectural AE Gloss RAL 2011 DEEP ORANGE
Class 1: P-0634, P-0399, P-0770, P-0801, P-1662 Florida 1: 171m 42502
Polyester Architectural is a standard durability TGIC free and lead free polyester powder coating, especially formulated for application on aluminum extrusion and sheets, steel and galvanized steel substrates. Polyester Architectural meets the requirements of the building industry thanks to its excellent outdoor durability and mechanical properties.

Více informací
Jméno výrobku Polyester Architectural AE Gloss RAL 2011 DEEP ORANGE
Kód produktu AE80012201120
Color Definition RAL 2011 DEEP ORANGE
Stav topeniště 17-37 min @ 170°C
12-32 min @ 180°C
7-22 min @ 190°C
Vlastnosti produktu Polyester Architectural is a standard durability TGIC free and lead free polyester powder coating, especially formulated for application on aluminum extrusion and sheets, steel and galvanized steel substrates. Polyester Architectural meets the requirements of the building industry thanks to its excellent outdoor durability and mechanical properties.
Vlastnosti prášku Up to 10 years warranty (conditions apply)
Very good mechanical properties
Qualicoat and GSB approval
Excellent outdoor durability
Vzhled Gloss Smooth
Graf vytvrzování
Technical data sheet (TDS) Show as PDF
Safety data sheet Show as PDF
Service information bulletin Show as PDF

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